2019년 12월 18일 수요일

The place which only exists within my memory

 I remember the Indian statue at the gate of the village. I remember the shallow stream, so clear that I could see my reflection clearly. I remember the zelkova tree beside the stream, and the thick bushes too. I remember me catching minnows on the stream, hours after hours, and the calling sounds of frogs at night. I remember the small fireplace, right outside the small, worn-down house where my family sat together, talking all night. I remember the mold-smelling pillows and malfunctioning refrigerator. I remember the hikes our family did, and foot volleyball which I played with my brothers. The place, all gone.

 Will the memory last long, in a situation where all things related to that memory are gone? Ever since you were 8 years old, every summer your family visits a house located near Jiri mountain. The house belongs to your grandmother’s relative. The place is calm, perfectly silent except the continuous sound of stream flowing and the birds singing, interrupted occasionally by bypassing cars on the nearby road. The stream you see is a bit wide, but never deep, only about 30cm. You can see numerous fish, freshwater insects, and some birds come to the stream to drink water. In some years, your family stays for one day, but most of the time few days more. The house is very small, and everything is a bit malfunctioning. Hot water doesn’t come out, the tiles are broken, some lights don’t turn, and everywhere is mold small, but you don’t mind. You’re juse purely focused on playing in the stream with your brothers. We shoot water guns at each other, poured water with a bucket, and the favorite part for you is observing fish. By simply wearing your swimming goggles and holding your breath, you can see numerous fish swimming up and down the stream, usually silvery color but sometimes strikingly brown-orange color too. You catch aquatic snails a lot, clinging to a rock. After playing for few hours, your family would have lunch or dinner, which all members gathered and talking cheerfully. You feel that this place is the ‘secret place’ which nobody knows, and enjoys the beauty of the place.

 Maybe it was my misperception. One year, when our family re-visited the place, there was a dramatic change. Construction trucks and bulldozers were done cleaning up the place approximately 10m apart from the house. My uncle asked the guys at the site what was going on, and the guys said that they bought the land near our house, and they’re building a camping ground to gain money. When I reached the stream, I was sad and also angry, because the guys which bought the land made an artificial concrete-dam o create a swimming pool for the campers. The dam changed the waterflow all over, and some part of the stream was completely dried. As expected, all the frogs and fish were gone. The place I always remembered was a quiet, natural place which influenced me, but the place now was almost equivalent to city-streams. Maybe I was affected by it a lot, since I dreamed of the place several times even after a few years had passed. Although I don’t remember the place in daytime, maybe I was thinking of that place in my inner mind.

 If the place was about the same as before, I would have visited there every year, but after the construction of the camping ground, I don’t visit the place. I simply didn’t want to see a healthy stream changing to unhealthy stream, quiet to noisy, natural to artificial. Even though I was at young age, even though I was thinking in a self-centered way, I become pretty sad if I recall that memory. Memories of the good childhood, memories that can only be recalled inside of my mind, memories which contain elements which doesn’t exist now.

 I felt that the thing which I loved, could be gone and only be recalled by memories. Therefore, I started to enjoy the present state and try to make my life remarkable and easy to remember. Because I know that present things, will all become memory in the future.

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