2019년 10월 9일 수요일

When sympathy becomes a killer

 Today was Hanguelnal(Korean alphabet day), so there was no school class, but instead students had to participate in Korean literature composition event which was lead by Korean language teachers.

 I definitely knew that it was impossible for me to get awarded in this composition thingy, because I don't have much literal sense, crucial for composing poems and novels. So one of my friend and I decided to write the poem (in low quality) quickly, and enjoy the free time. After 30 minutes of writing the poem, we went outside of Dasan building(one of our school building) chatting, and my friend suggested about going in the empty water fountain pit. Because there was no students around, and I wanted to go in the fountain pit, so i jumped in.

 Beside of leaf litter, there was a katydid(Female of  Hexacentrus japonicus) at the bottom. I assume that it had fallen in in some circumstances, and couldn't climb out. So I decided to catch the katydid and let it free outside of the pit. I tried to catch it, but the katydid jumped away constantly. I used my shoes to block the katydid's direction and tried to catch its wings (Since katydids can bite people with its strong jaw, it is preferable to grab the katydid by its wings). Then, the katydid bit my shoe and clang to it. I grabbed the katydid's body, and tried to force it free, by shaking the body. Somehow I gave too much tension, and the katydid had clung to my shoe too tightly.

Its neck fell off.

It instantly fell to the ground trembling, and died.

 If I look at the incident in the katydid's perspective, it would have been horrifying. It's just like a giant suddenly appearing in front of you, having intention to catch you. You run away, but then a huge wall appears in front of you, so you cling to it as hard as you can, while the giant grabs and pulls you. Then, the giant gives a tremendous amount of force, and your spinal cord breaks. This is horrifying. This is terrible. But this is what the katydid had felt during the process.

  I was totally shocked. I don't like to kill other organisms intentionally, but realizing that I had "KILLED" the bug with my own force made me feel complicated. I originally tried to help the katydid. I wanted the katydid to live a longer life and be free again. But I killed it. Trying to justify my killing, I thought that I had done a good job to the katydid. If it wasn't me, it would have suffered for days starving, eventually dying. If I succeeded, then it will enjoy free life again, but I thought that killing it instantly also makes it free from the upcoming slow-painful death.

 But, is my act justifiable? If the intention "was" sympathetic but it leads to severe damage, is it a good act or bad act? I thought of this for some time, but haven't got the proper conclusion yet.  I just feel sorry for that katydid.

댓글 1개:

  1. Interesting post. I've read college essays that are similar (a bit Chicago-esque). We've all done things like this. Politicians often do them on a grand scale. Nature is cruel, and often "let nature be" is the best policy. But in the future - use a cup and slide a paper underneath. That's how I catch and release spiders. ;)


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